
How to Leave a FaceTime Video Voicemail

11th September 2023


| FaceTime
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

Jacob Woolcock

11th September 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| FaceTime
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

nothing to see here!

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iOS 17 introduces a fantastic way to connect through video messages with its FaceTime Video Voicemail feature. In this video, I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to leave a personal video voicemail, even if you’ve missed a FaceTime call. Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to seamless communication. Join me in exploring this exciting addition to iOS 17 and start sending heartfelt video messages today.


How often have you tried to FaceTime someone only for them to be busy or unable to answer and talk, but there’s no way of leaving a message saying why you’ve called? So they’re probably thinking, “Well, what on Earth does Jacob want?” Well, now on iOS 17, if a call isn’t answered, say to my fiancée Sapphy, I’ll get a new option to either cancel the call, call again, or to leave a video message. And this is basically like a video voicemail, which is really easy to use. If I tap onto a called message, I get a 3, 2, 1 countdown, and then I can leave a little message explaining why I called and perhaps asking her to call me back later.

When I’m done recording that message, I can watch it back if I wanted to, and retake the message, or I can just send, and that’s it. I’ve left a visual voicemail on Sapphy’s iPhone for FaceTime. It’s a really simple feature to use, but one that adds so much more value to your iPhone. And there are dozens and dozens of new things on iOS 17 that level up your iPhone like never before. If you want to see what else has changed, check out the playlist on the end screen here, and if you like this video, please do subscribe down below, then you’ll get loads more iPhone quick tips in the future.

About FaceTime
The FaceTime app is Apple's video and audio calling application that enables users to connect with others over Wi-Fi or cellular data. It supports high-quality video calls, group calls and other interactive features like SharePlay - making communication easy and engaging across Apple devices.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 17.

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