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Exploring the New Weather App

25th October 2022


| Weather

Jacob Woolcock

25th October 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Weather

nothing to see here!

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With macOS Ventura there’s a brand new Weather app with loads of rich and useful data hidden beneath the surface. Exploring this new app shows in-depth 24-hour forecasts, beautiful weather graphs and animated weather maps. This short and easy-to-follow tutorial will get you up-to-date with everything new.


The new Weather app on macOS Ventura is very much like the one you’ve got on your iPhone and your iPad, but there’s tons of hidden data. So, in the Weather app, you can click onto any of the elements to get much more in-depth detail about the weather situation based on that category. For example, if I click on the map of precipitation, I can see a live animated radar of where the rain is coming from. I can also change the visibility of the layers on this map, so perhaps alongside the precipitation, I might want the air quality or the temperature.

Going back to the main weather homepage, you can click onto any of these boxes, and on each of those sections, you’re going to get a 24-hour chart showing how that value is going to change over the next 24 hours. And at the top, you can cycle between the days of the week as well, to see what weather’s coming your way.

There’s loads to explore in the Weather app, and it’s great to have all this power on the Mac. If you want some more quick macOS tips that get straight to the point, please do subscribe down below.

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About Weather
The Weather app by Apple provides detailed weather forecasts, including current conditions, hourly and daily forecasts, and severe weather alerts. It offers features like radar maps, air quality reports, and integration with Apple's ecosystem, ensuring users have up-to-date weather information at their fingertips.

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