
Autofill PDF Forms with Powerful Files App Tools

5th September 2023


| Files
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

Jacob Woolcock

5th September 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Files
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

nothing to see here!

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In this QuickTip I’ll walk you through the a new feature in the Files App, revealing its powerful tools for automating PDF form filling. Explore the intelligent textbox detection, machine learning-based autofill, and digital signature options that make your workflow smoother. Whether you’re a professional streamlining paperwork or simply curious about iOS 17’s capabilities, this video has something for you. Join me as we dive into the world of efficient document handling.


I wonder how many times you’ve downloaded a PDF document from Safari, only to then realize it’s a real pain to fill it out. If I jump into Files, I’ve got a PDF form here, and of course, you’d have to zoom into each text box, use the markup tools, and then try to scribble your name into those boxes. It’s very messy and quite frustrating to do. But hang on, if I just undo this second, there’s a new button on that toolbar at the bottom on the right-hand side. I’m just going to tap on there a second, and what that’s going to do is scan my PDF document and work out where text fields are, and they’re all going to turn blue, just like this.

Then, I can simply tap onto one of those blue text boxes, and I can use the keyboard to type straight in, or I can use autofill on my keyboard. So, for example, if I tap onto my name, I can autofill “Jacob”, and the autofill will work as well. This means I can fill out a PDF form on my device without having to print it. If everything is on the iPad or with a pencil, it just makes it a lot easier, basically. And you could also use the plus button in the bottom corner if you want to add text boxes that perhaps are missing, or if you want to add a signature, just like this.

That means you can then save your document and email it back to wherever it needs to go to. And that’s a really helpful feature to have on your iPhone, and that’s just another way that iOS 17 has actually greatly improved the device you’re using right now. If you want to see what else is new, and trust me, there’s a lot, check out this playlist on the end screen now. And if you enjoyed this video and perhaps you want some more, then please do subscribe down below. I’d really appreciate it.

About Files
The Files app is a file management tool by Apple that allows users to organise, browse and access documents and other files across their iOS and iPadOS devices. It integrates with iCloud Drive and other cloud storage services to provide a centralised location for managing all types of files.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 17.

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